Презентация fashion на английском

fashion journalism An important part of fashion is fashion journalism. Editorial critique, guidelines and commentary can be found in magazines, newspapers, on television, fashion websites, social networks and in fashion blogs. In the recent years, fashion blogging and YouTube videos have become a major outlet for spreading trends and fashion tips. Through these media outlets, readers and viewers In 20 century was in fashion magnificent dresses, lace, corset and big hat. She created her famous «little black dress» and little hat. Her visit card was one big artificial flower. Usually For example high forehead go back to the Renaissance. To be stylish, woman of fashion was shave their hair and eyebrow. But a fashion trends are existing not only in clothes but there are hairstyle trends. High Fashion High Fashion (Fr. Haute couture, Italian. Alta moda, «haute couture") - the art of sewing quality. This includes the creation of the leading salons of modes that set the tone for international fashion, unique model, which are produced in the famous salons of fashion on the customer's order. Презентация для школьников на тему "Ecology and fashion" по английскому языку. pptCloud.ru — удобный каталог с возможностью скачать powerpoint презентацию бесплатно. ☑ Скачать бесплатно Презентация по английскому языку на тему "FASHION" в формате ppt. Презентации по предмету Иностранные языки. Fashion –what is it «Fashion is capricious and changeable» Coco Chanel. Fashion is something that at a certain time is the most popular Непостижимая Коко…. 1.Образовательная-развивать навыки и умения самовыражения на английском языке на основе изученных лексико-грамматических структур; способствовать расширению активного и пассивного словарного запаса. Презентация на тему Fashion and modern style к уроку по английскому языку. Презентация создана учениками восьмого класса. Работа может использоваться по теме «Одежда».