Supremacy film

Post on any topic that interests I love the whole movie, but my favorite moment is during the red bag scene (obviously), when he knocks out the security guard on the stairs, then doubles back to take his radio so he can anticipate the movements of embassy security. Its such a small moment, but it really shows the knowledge and tactical training Bourne has received in his time in the program. People always talk about the confusion around Rey's escape from the Supremacy in ~~Snoke's Private Shuttle~~ The Millennium Falcon. Let's now talk about the First Order assault itself. They just had their whole fleet destroyed in the hyperspace kamikaze, how are they supposed to recover so quickly and stage a full-scale walker and BATTERING-RAM CANNON attack?! All of these super-heavy ground weapons must be delivered from drop-ships, and don't even get me started on how the giant Why is Kmani treated as a literal punching bag in this movie. In every scene he is treated almost sub-humanly, worse than a pet dog really and somehow we are supposed to find it funny. This movie is so unwatchable by modern standards and a blemish on the face of malayalam cinema. The Star Destroyers coming out of lightspeed, as seen from the Resistance Base. Seeing them from the ground against the blue sky looked really cool, as well as giving a real sense of dread. Also, it reminded me of Krennic looking up and seeing the Death Star up in the sky in Rogue One. Whatever you thought of TLJ, it got the film off to a good start. Boycott anything anti-Asian, racist towards Asians or that doesn’t represent Asians fairly. If you have power, try to make it pro-Asian, if you can’t, just boycott it. Don’t give them your money or help. I’m already boycotting anti-Asian things and anything with Asian Fetish. If enough of us do it we might make a difference. Now, I must put an asterisk by my post title and indicate that Star Wars Battlefront got so much better after many updates and DLC. Bespin was by far my favorite, and the customization system is honestly more preferable than what we have now. The class system is alright, but I sometimes liked running an Imperial Officer skin with a blaster rifle, rather than just a pistol. I think we actually had more weapons in the first game than we do in the second. I think having three I don't hate Rian Johnson or anything, I just want a discussion. I haven't read the additional books, this is a movie franchise first and foremost. Some of the questions might have a couple questions within each one, sorry lol. 1. Why does Luke momentarily think to kill his own nephew after sensing the beginning of the dark side within him, when he refused to kill Vader AFTER his terrible deeds and 30 years of being a Sith? Remember that until this point Apologies if already covered, I am sure that it is but what is everyone’s thoughts/guesses on Kylo and Rey’s movements during the ending of the film ? For Finn, based on the trailer shots/BTS it seems quite clear re his movements in the movie; - He is awakened from his healing pod - He and Rose go on a mission to Canto Bight to meet and find DJ - They will meet DJ and head to the Supremacy in disguise - They will be captured and subject to execution on the Supremacy (explosion will occur. Like a fair amount of people in January of 2016, I was anticipating the release of Nate Parker's debut film The Birth of a Nation . It was the Sundance darling of that year, winning both the Audience Award and Grand Jury Prize for Drama. A lot of this stems from it coming off the heels of the #OscarsSoWhite controversy, and its subject matter. The film retells the story of one of the United States' most enigmatic figures in Nat Turner, a literate slave who led a violent rebellion